Flee Plantation

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1. Flee Plantation.jpg
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1. Flee Plantation.jpg
Flee Plantation detail_01.jpg

Flee Plantation


Printed in 2021, linocut print with oil based ink on Stonehenge paper, 57”x 24”. Edition of 13.

Flee Plantation is part of  my series of work re{volt}ing, re-imagining John Stedman’s Narrative of a Five Years Expedition Against the Revolted Negroes of Suriname (1796) from the perspective of the enslaved, rather than that of John Stedman, a British-Dutch soldier, observing the experiences of the enslaved. I created relief prints redressing Stedman’s text and printed engravings to represent a sense of agency of the maroons’ and those enslaved. Engaging in a very physical process of carving, or digging the image out of wood and linoleum, which is akin to the very raw process of digging through these histories, I attempt to recover from the trauma of slavery and colonialism. Upon Stedman’s arrival in Suriname his host, a plantation owner, gets word that  25 enslaved people on a plantation nearby set it ablaze and journey  onward to meet the Maroons. This is my visualization of those 25 people.

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